Photos and Info about Charlene's Memorial

My sister Charlene Hensley died on 3 February 2016. We held a memorial service for her on her 67th birthday, 11 June 2016. This page is to share some of the elements from the memorial with those who couldn't be there and for those who asked for copies of some of the photos of Charlene.

What's Linked Here

  • Gallery of photos of Charlene through her life
  • Gallery of Charlene's photography
  • Gallery of posters from the memorial
  • Gallery of photos of Charlene's groups of friends
  • Video on YouTube of a slide show of Charlene's photographs with her singing
  • Video on Vimeo of a slide show of photos of Charlene to a Catherine Scholz song
  • My talk about Charlene

The galleries linked above all use the same password:

The password to download is: charlene

Viewing does not require a password.

The Music

Music was important to Charlene. She played guitar and sang. She sought out chances to perform and new music to hear and share.

Catherine Scholz is a singer-songwriter from Nevada City, California. While working on Charlene's images and slideshows, I was listening to Catherine's music. Her song "Nothing's Wrong" has long been a favorite of mine, one that gives me the pleasure of hearing lovely music side by side with the experience of contemplating the bittersweet changes most of us experience in life. Charlene certainly experienced those changes and would appreciate such a song.

Suddenly, I wanted to fit that music with the images of Charlene. They seemed to work together perfectly, especially given what I know of Charlene's life and have since learned from her friends and her writing and photos. The resulting slideshow and music is what I showed at the memorial.

After the service, I wanted to post the resulting video, but wanted to get Catherine's permission to use her music in a public posting. She gave me permission, but asked me to use a newer version of the song (one that uses a Steinway grand piano). I made that change after buying and downloading the latest version of her "Right Here Now" album. I was listening to the album as a whole when it happened again.

The song that followed "Nothing's Wrong" was a lovely one. I looked up the name: "Butterfly." Those who were at the memorial will understand why that name caught my attention. Butterflies were a theme of the centerpieces. That became a lot more meaningful after Tracy told her story of an outing with Charlene during which Charlene was followed by a flock of butterflies.

I tried that song with the Charlene images. The fit was perfect. The combination was also more celebratory, more soaring, more . . . transitional. Especially compared with the melancholy ambivalence of "Nothing's Wrong" (though I still love the song and think of it as attached to the images of Charlene now).

The version with "Butterfly" is the one I put on Vimeo, linked above.

Catherine Scholz

Catherine was kind and generous enough to let me publish the video with her complete song as the soundtrack. Please give her music a listen. I'm sure you'll not be able to resist buying her album at:


Here's a video that includes "Nothing's Wrong."

Here's a video of Catherine's live performance of "Nothing's Wrong"—my favorite version.

Other places to hear or buy Catherine Scholz's music and to learn more:

Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | SoundCloud | Spotify | Pandora | iTunes | Google Play | Rhapsody | Amazon | LastFM | Jango

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